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Research projects
Danh sách tài liệu số:
Occupational stress and some related factors among medical staff at Quy Hoa Central...
Disease structure and medical examination and treatment capacity of inpatient department,...
Clinical and subclinical characteristics of Silicon Pulmonary Patients treated at...
Assessment of occupational burden under the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic among...
Assessment of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the daily life and work of healthcare...
Assessment of the current situation and uitlization of welfare facilities at work...
Evaluation of nutritional status and eating disorder problems of dementia patients...
Evaluate the rate of drinking vaccine (BOPV) supplemented in children under 5 years...
Working motivation of medical staff at Son La Provincial Lung Hospital in 2021 and...
Effective nutrition intervention for female workers aged 18-55 years old at Trang...
Efficacy of an iodine-restricted diet on thyroid cancer patients who underwent I131...
The effect of positive nutritional support on patients with esophageal cancer at...
Treatment results and some factors affecting treatment adherence of patients being...
Results of motor rehabilitation for stroke patients treated at Son La Traditional...
Communication results to improve knowledge, attitude and practice on hand hygiene...
Knowledge and attitude about depression among general medical students of Hanoi Medical...
Knowledge of stress and ways to cope with stress of 3rd year general medical students,...
Knowledge, attitude and practice on prevention of acute respiratory infections Covid-19...
Knowledge, attitude and practice on medical solid waste classification of students...
Knowledge, attitude and practice about hand washing with soap of students at Hong...
Knowledge and practice of COVID-19 prevention and control of medical staff at Cho...
Knowledge and practice on COVID-19 prevention and control and some related factors...
Hand hygiene knowledge and practice of healthcare workers at Son La traditional medicine...
Knowledge and practice on self-care of patients with type 2 diabetes treated as outpatients...
Anxiety and depression in patients with type 2 diabetes undergoing outpatient treatment...
The relationship between watching eating videos on social networks and eating behavior...
Relationship between anthropometric measurement and work productivity of health office...
FOOD CONSUMPTION, NUTRITIONAL VALUE, SECTION OF Adolescents 15 - 19 years old who...
Study on molecular epidemiological characteristics, risk factors and application...
Research on clinical and subclinical characteristics of patients with pneumoconiosis...
Training needs on hospital infection control of students of Hanoi Medical University...
Demand for using a pathological diet of inpatients at the Outpatient Department of...
Demand for vaccination against COVID-19 and some related factors of students at Hanoi...
Stress of first-year general practitioner students at Hanoi Medical University and...
Stress of first-year general practitioner students at Hanoi Medical University and...
Stress in students of preventive medicine, Hanoi Medical University and some related...
Satisfaction of medical staff at hospitals nationwide in 2018
Willingness to participate in volunteer activities to prevent COVID-19 of 5th and...
Mental health of medical students participating in the fight against COVID-19 and...
Adolescent mental health in times of social distancing and social distancing due...
Patient safety attitudes of health worker and its associated factors in Lung Hospital,...
People's attitude towards COVID-19 vaccine in some online newspapers in Vietnam in...
Situation of food safety and hygiene at the collective kitchens of some hospitals...
Situation of respiratory diseases and some related factors of workers directly exposed...
The situation of professional tensions and some related factors of doctors and nurses...
The situation of TLC and DLCO indicators in workers working directly in a dusty environment
The situation of working environment of police officers
Situation of occupational burden and readiness to cope with the COVID-19 epidemic...
Status of recording and reporting occupational accidents in Vietnam in 2017
Situation of community field teaching 1 in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic at...
Current status of knowledge about hypertension and practice of prevention and control...
Current status of knowledge and attitudes about health insurance of first-year medical...
Current status of knowledge and practice of medical ethics of nurses at the tuberculosis...
The situation of pneumothorax disease of employees at Nui Hong company and treatment...
The situation of silicon dust in workers directly produced in a number of factories...
The situation of silicosis in Phu Yen in 2020
The situation of coal dust in a pit coal mining company
Current status of surgical safety at the National Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology,...
Situation of household latrines and knowledge and practice of hand washing of mothers/carers...
Situation of household latrines and use of latrines by people in 5 communes in Cao...
Situation of air pollution and respiratory diseases of people in 3 wards in Hanoi...
The status of reactions after the first dose of Moderna vaccine in adults at Hanoi...
Situation of reactions after vaccination against aCOVID-19 Pfizer in adults at Hanoi...
Situation of reactions after vaccination against COVID-19 Astrazeneca in adults at...
The situation of utilizing welfare facilities at work in some craft villages in Northern...
The current situation of smartphone use and some related factors among students at...
Current situation of antibiotic utilization in some surgery departments at Thai Binh...
Mental health status of adult men in Thanh Hoa province during the COVID-19 pandemic
Mental health status of healthcare workers in Vietnam during the COVID-19 pandemic...
Status of mental health and some related factors of students participating in the...
Health status and use of medical services of people in some northern provinces in...
Malnutrition in children aged 6-24 months in Nam NDir commune, Krong No district,...
The status of the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the mental health of nurses...
Status of anemia and micronutrient deficiency among working-age women at a company...
The status of overweight and obesity and some related factors in Hanoi preschool...
Depression status and support-seeking behavior among postpartum women in Dong Anh...
The situation of implementing national vaccination information system in some Northern...
Self-care status of third-year medical students at Hanoi Medical University in the...
Current implementation and need for continuous training in basic techniques of nurses...
Current status and training needs of scientific research of graduates of Hanoi Medical...
Status and needs of postgraduate students of Hanoi Medical University in 2020-2021...
The situation and risk factors of silicosis in Vietnam
Readiness to respond to the COVID-19 epidemic of healthcare workers in Vietnam in...
Nutritional status of patients with type 2 diabetes in outpatient treatment at Dong...
Nutritional status of children under 5 years old and mothers' knowledge and practice...
Nutritional status of infants and some related factors at the National Hospital of...
Nutritional situation at hospitalization and some associated factors in people with...
Nutritional status and diet of patients before thoracic surgery at Central Lung Hospital...
Nutritional status and feeding regime of surgical patients at the Department of Gastroenterology...
Nutritional status and dietary intake of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary...
Nutritional status and dietary intake of patients with gestational diabetes at the...
Nutritional status and actual diet of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy at...
Nutritional status and relationship to quality of life of head and neck cancer patients...
Nutritional situation and some related factors of type II diabetes patients with...
Nutritional status and some related factors of hypertensive patients treated at Thanh...
Nutritional status and some factors related to vegetarians in some inner suburbs...
Nutritional status and some factors related to malnutrition and stunting of children...
Nutritional status and some related factors in patients with type 2 diabetes outpatient...
Nutritional status and some factors related to glycemic control index of patients...
Nutritional status and some related factors in colorectal cancer patients undergoing...
Nutritional status, muscle weakness in elderly patients and some related factors...
Systematic review of mental health among healthcare workers during the COVID_19 pandemic
Inpatients’ experience and the associated factors: A cross-sectional study at Lung...
The experience of the family of a pediatric patient inpatient treatment at the Ninh...
Experience of inpatient treatment at some clinical departments, hospitals August...
Experience after being vaccinated against COVID-19 of students of Hanoi Medical University...
Depression, anxiety, stress of final year general medical students of Hanoi Medical...
Medication compliance of type 2 diabetes outpatients treated at the department of...
Drug adherence in hypertensive outpatients treatment at Agricultural General Hospital...
Patient safety culture of health staffs at National Children’s Hospital in 2020-2021...
Telemedicine in healthcare training and capacity building: An overview
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