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The Stakeholders’ Acceptability, Appropriateness, Feasibility and Sustainability of the Social Health Insurance Package
Ngo Van An, Mattias Larsson, Do Duy Cuong, Tran Chi Thanh
Background: Vietnam had received many support from international funds to fight against HIV/AIDS and started ARV treatment nationwide since 2005. Now, Vietnam had GDP of developing countries, no longer as poor countries, so the international funds would be phasing out at the end of 2019. Vietnam Ministry of Health (MoH) issued Circular No.15/2015/TT-BYT (Hereinafter called Circular No.15) to deal with HIV/AIDS medical service fees by applying co-paid mechanism by Social Health Insurance (SHI) and HIV patients. This circular was considered as the excellent strategies to ensure Vietnam capacity in controlling HIV/ AIDS pandemic. Unfortunately, this circular had not been implemented at Bach Mai hospital and others since 2015. Aims: This study aimed to assess the stakeholders’ acceptability, appropriateness, feasibility and sustainability of the increasing implemtation readiness of the intervention package. Methods: We conducted in-depth interviews with stakeholders (05 hospital managers, 05 OPC health staff and 20 HIV patients). Results: (1) We made all hospital managers know and understand the importance and the obligatory of implementing Circular No.15 at Bach Mai hospital. At first, the attention of Bach Mai Hospital in HIV/AIDS official letters from MoH, SHI such as Circular No.15, guidance No.4609 was very low. Conclusions: These documents were not well circulated to all relevant departments, only transferred to OPC. In addition, OPC had not done any response to these documents since all ART fees were still sponsored by International Fund. The relevant departments did not know that they had the key roles in implementing Circular No.15, they thought that it was OPC’s responsibilities, such as financial department should play the role of the consultant for OPC about medical service price, but it did not do so and General Planning department should play the role of plan making on implementing Circular No.15.
International Journal of Nursing and Health Care Research
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1. IJNHR-1269.pdf
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